Thursday, July 7, 2011

To Installing ISA 2006 Enterprise Edition

Step 1: Once you are ready with the media cd start the Installation and click next.

Step 2: Accept the License Agreement and click next.

Step 3: Enter your "License keys" and click next.

Step 4: This time we will select "Install ISA services" which I mentioned in (step 4: part 2) of this series.

Step 5: Notice this time we are not installing any CS related services but only ISA services. Change the location of the installation if you need to and than click next.

Step 6: Either type the "Configuration Storage Servers" FQDN or look it up in Active Directory. If you have created a specific account for this you may use that or else click next.

Step 7: We did discuss this in part 3 where we created a new Enterprise Array before hand which will now come handy. So select "Join an Existing Array" & click next.

Step 8: In some scenarios you might have more than one array so you need to select which Array this server will need to be part of so click on browse and select the array we created in part 3 click ok and click next..

Step 9: Select Array as mentioned in step 8 and click ok.

Step 10: Select which authentication you prefer I am using Windows Auth for this lab scenario click next.

Step 11: As long as your NIC's have the correct ip address assigned to them right now click Add.

Step 12: Select the relevant "Internal NIC" and click OK.

Step 13: The wizard will add the relevant range to you "Internal" network object. In the earlier step you could also type your network range manually if you wanted too.

Step 14: I don't need to explain this one :)

Step 15: Checks everything is ok ....credentials and settings... click finish and that's it !!!  :) 

You can invoke the ISA management now. Installing ISA services on ISA02 is absolutely identical and I will not repeat the same steps again. :)

Note: Once ISA has been installed on the first Server in an Array it displays it in the servers tab. All servers which are part of this "Array" will be displayed below.

This is how it shows up once I completed my installation on ISA02. I hope you have noticed the unique "Host ID" tab.

All hosts in a NLB cluster must use a unique host ID between 1 and 32. ISA Server does not assign host ID 1, so the maximum number of array members in a NLB cluster is 31.
Note: Do not confuse the terminology. NLB uses the terms cluster and hosts, while ISA Server uses the terms array and members.

Now we need to ensure that the Configuration Storage servers can successfully manage these servers so what we need to do is in the Task pane on the right hand side select "Network Objects" click on computer sets and than edit the "Remote Management Group" this will ensure than the ISA servers can be managed by the CS servers. Once this change is made apply the configuration and than you can use the MMC on the CS1 & CS2 to mange these servers.

As soon as I get a chance I will soon publish some articles on how to configure these servers further for the following:


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